Friday, February 5, 2010

Wild Thing #2's Bad Friggin' Hair Day

For those of you who've never met me (and that would include everyone but Mom and Matt at Conservative Hideout and a few others), you can't tell by the words I write that I have curly hair. You also can't tell that I'm a perfect 10. To retarded Martians (I really have to thank Rahmbo for reviving that word).

But you can bet your sweet ass that my progeny ... oh, yes, fiendish trolls ... I have procreated ... are blessed with hair that grabs hold of a comb or brush and won't let go.

Case in point ... here's Wild Thing #2 trying to demonstrate her independence ... so help me God:

Doesn't everyone have a plastic appendage on their head?


DUDE! Take this brush and shove it.


Anonymous said...

I feel ur pain except I have a little boy with a long blonde, fizz out....looks like a hay hat most days. When I do gather to the courage to brush it, I end up pulling the plastic teeth out his for hair the rest of the day... All I can say is your'e not alone!! Love ur blog 2!!

Term papers said...

I can't tell by the words You write that You have curly hair. I also can't tell that You are a perfect 10. To retarded Martians You really have to thank Rahmbo for reviving that word.

Anonymous said...
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Woodsterman (Odie) said...

That looks painful. "Wild thing" really fits that hair.

WomanHonorThyself said...

haha never even knew u had this blog buddy!!e

Anonymous said...

That brush looked stuck stuck, like it was going to require cutting.

Sara Louise said...

I have curly curly hair and when I was a little girl, I too decided to use Mommy's round brush. Bad idea. My head still hurts