Bobby Jim climbed out of the Porta John, where he'd bathed for the first time in a week, and opened the water bottle in which he'd poured last night's warm leftover Budweiser and let the hot backdraft from Jeff Gordon's stock car dry his hair during each pass around the track.

Eric's first day on the job was ruined when he found out the HR lady would be snapping a photo and posting it on the company website, for mullet enthusiasts everywhere to pass around freely among twisted little blogs like this one.

Ahmed was devastated when his brothers at the mosque called him a retard and banished him. The imam even said, "You're supposed to grow a long beard, not a long mullet. Infidel. Be gone, by the grace of Allah, before we cut off your head!"
Funny comment, Bishop. I'm sorry I didn't catch it until now. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in ADHD I forget I have an illegitimate child over here begging for attention.
The mullets just NEVER get old, do they????
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